Module 6
Efficiency tips and tricks. Root variables, relative values (em), advanced custom lists. Using calc, margin: auto, tricks with pseudoelements, !important, grid spans and responsive text sizes.
Efficiency tips and tricks. Root variables, relative values (em), advanced custom lists. Using calc, margin: auto, tricks with pseudoelements, !important, grid spans and responsive text sizes.
The number 1 tip when it comes to efficient CSS writing! Using root variables for applying changes globally. You can define any property as global and reference these variables for any element. Then you change those variables from a single place in your root definition!
Importance of em units for text and other elements, when you want them to be responsive to the font size. For example line height, paddings, bullet size etc. Em values are units relative to the current font size of the parent element. In short, 1em is equal to the current font size! So if you set the font size to be 20px, then 1em will be equal to 20px.
How to use other units like viewport width, viewport height, calculations and % units.
Use mix-blend-mode property to create different effects on an image, text or other elements that are placed on top of a background color. We will see how to use these effects on an image element, background image of a before pseudoelement and text.
Using auto margins to center the content or to push the elements to the left or right in a parent container, !important tag and how to use grid spans to create table-looking grids in CSS. And finally, how to create text that changes its font size based on the screen width using vw units, so that it is bigger on larger screens!